In case of an accident

Call 112
If someone needs immediate help, call 112 for an ambulance, the fire and rescue services or the police.
Explain clearly what has happened and where you are. Indicate how many people are injured and what kind of injuries they have.
Cardiac arrest and resuscitation
If someone has a cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation will help stimulate the person’s blood circulation until an ambulance arrives.
If you do not know how to give first aid, the SOS Alarm operator will tell you what to do. If there are more people at the scene, one of you can try to locate an AED, while someone else calls 112.
An AED – an Automated External Defibrillator – is a portable device, which can be used to resuscitate someone whose heart has stopped. AEDs can be found in many public places.
You can use an AED without previous training. As the AED will give instructions in Swedish, you may need a Swedish-speaking person to help you. Here is a web-based map of where you will find the nearest AED:
Do not leave the scene before an ambulance has arrived. Follow the instructions you get from the paramedics, the police or the rescue services.
Non-acute cases
If you have questions that are not urgent, for example about non-life threatening injuries or diseases, use one of the following numbers:
• Call 113 13 to get information about serious accidents or emergencies. Note that other numbers may also be used by the municipality (“kommunen”).
• Call 114 14 for police matters that are not urgent.
• Call 1177 for advice on health and diseases.