Internet and telephone disturbances
Here is some advice about how English speakers in Sweden can stay informed during emergencies which cause internet and telephone disturbances.
Make sure to have access to important information in the case of an emergency. Photo: MSB.
Most of the written information from authorities in Sweden is in Swedish. During emergencies, information may be available in English and a few other languages.
Emergency Information in English
- Swedish Radio's foreign language channel Radio Sweden broadcasts and publishes news in English, but not always about local disturbances or accidents.
- Use online translation tools to understand information in Swedish, or ask somebody who understands Swedish for help.
- The municipality (“kommunen”) is normally responsible for local crisis information. Contact the municipality if you need to get things explained in English.
- Shelters ("Värmestugor") or so-called points of contact ("Kontaktpunkter") may be set up during power cuts and other crises. Contact the municipality ("kommunen") in order to find out more about crisis management in your area.
- The information on the web site and on our Facebook and Twitter accounts has been verified by Swedish authorities. There are always links to the sources of our news. Use online translation tools or contact the authority in question if you need help to understand.
- Call the national information number 113 13 for official information about crises and emergencies. From abroad, call +46 77 33 113 13. Call 1177 if you have questions about health or healthcare. If you need to contact the police in non-urgent matters, call 114 14. From abroad, call +46 77 114 14 00. To make an emergency call, use 112 in order to request the assistance of police ("Polisen"), fire services ("Räddningstjänsten" or "brandkåren"), or an ambulance ("ambulans").
- The latest and most accurate information in such situations may come from others in your area, as official information from the responsible authorities may be delayed or lack in detail during parts of an emergency.