Test of the outdoor warning system

On March 3 rd, the outdoor warning system was tested at 15.00 (3 pm). The signal sounds for 7 seconds, with 14 second breaks, for a total of 6 times. Afterwards, the “all clear” signal is tested, which is an uninterrupted 30-second signal. Read more on how the emergency warning system in Sweden works.

Winter traffic

Stay updated on the traffic situation and local weather conditions. Here is how to prepare for winter weather on the road.

Information on the school shooting in Örebro

Several people have died and several have been injured after a shooting at the Campus Risbergska school in Örebro. Here you can find information about the incident from the police, the municipality and other responsible authorities.

Grass and forest fires

The season for grass fires is now starting in southern Sweden. Be careful when handling fire in nature. Also keep in mind that machinery can cause sparks.

Advice on deadly force attacks

The risk of being affected by a deadly attack is very low. But it is important to know what to do if the worst happens.

Verified emergency information in Sweden

Krisinformation.se compiles emergency information from the relevant Swedish authorities. However, it may be necessary to seek detailed information directly from local and national authorities. Here is a list of the main authorities that can provide information in the event of an emergency.