Important Public Announcement There is 1 messages

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Important Public Announcement in Västerbottens län:

Updated: 22 Dec 2024 11:32

Important public announcement for Skelleftehamn and Örviken in Skellefteå Municipality, Västerbotten County. There is a fire in an industrial area causing thick smoke. The incident commander urges everyone in the area to go indoors and close doors and windows, and shut off ventilation. For more information listen to Sveriges Radio P4 Västerbotten.

Sveriges Radio

Swedish emergency management

The purpose of the various emergency service sectors and authorities is to strengthen cooperation in Sweden’s civil defence and to ensure society can continue to function even during crises and war.

In view of security-related developments around Sweden, the government has decided to build up civil defence. The result is 10 emergency service sectors, covering 60 authorities. In other words, authorities with special significance for public emergency preparedness and total defence. The county administrative boards in Norrbotten, Örebro, Stockholm, Östergötland, Västra Götaland and Skåne County will each be responsible for their own area.

Access to clean drinking water, a functioning electricity supply and transport infrastructure are just some of the necessities for society. The emergency authorities must be able to withstand threats and risks, prevent vulnerabilities, manage peacetime crises and perform their duties in the event of heightened preparedness. All to ensure that these key functions work during normal times and in a crisis.

The emergency service sectors

•    Financial security
•    Electronic communications and post
•    Energy supply
•    Financial services
•    Supply of basic data
•    Health, care and nursing
•    Food supply and drinking water
•    Public order and security
•    Emergency services and protection of civilians
•    Transport

Financial Security 

Responsible authority

Försäkringskassan – Swedish Social Insurance Agency 

Other authorities

Electronic communications/Postal Services 

Responsible authority

Post- och telestyrelsen – Swedish Post and Telecom Authority

Other authorities


Responsible authority

Energimyndigheten – Swedish Energy Agency

Other authorities

Financial Administration  

Responsible authority

Finansinspektionen – Sweden's Financial Supervisory Authority

Other authorities

Basic Data Infrastructure 

Responsible authority

Skatteverket – Swedish Tax agency

Other authorities

Health and Welfare 

Responsible authority

Socialstyrelsen - The National Board of Health and Welfare

Other authorities

Food Supply and Drinking Water 

Responsible authority

Livsmedelsverket – Swedish Food Agency

Other authorities

Public Safety 

Responsible authority

Polismyndigheten – Swedish Police

Other authorities

Emergency Services and Civil Protection 

Responsible authority

Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap – Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

Other authorities


Responsible authority

Trafikverket – Swedish Transport Administration

Other authorities