Information in English about Covid-19

Information from Swedish authorities about Covid-19.
Sveriges Riksdag och Rosenbad.

Current rules and recommenda­tions

A summary of the rules and recommendations currently in effect in Sweden.


Internatio­nal travel restrictio­ns

Here you find information from the authorities about travelling and Covid-19 restrictions.

Resenär på flygplats med EU-pass och mobiltelefon i handen. Resväska skymtar.

Digital Covid Certificat­e

Digital Covid Certificate is a free e-service that shows that you have been vaccinated against covid-19, tested negative for or recovered from the disease.

Händer som håller i varandra

Risk groups

Advanced age is the foremost risk factor, but there are others. Here you will find more about factors that indicate an increased risk of being severely afflicted with Covid-19.