Total defence duty

From the year you turn 16 until the end of the year you turn 70, you are part of Sweden’s total defence and required to serve in the event of war or the threat of war. Total defence duty applies to all Swedish citizens living in Sweden or abroad. Total defence duty also applies to foreign nationals residing in Sweden.

There are three types of total defence duty:

  • Military service (conscription).
  • Civilian service in, e.g., rescue services, childcare and healthcare.
  • General national service obligation in activities that must also function in the event of danger of war or war. 


If you are conscripted, you defend Sweden militarily. You complete basic training with conscription with the Swedish Armed Forces. After the basic training, you will be placed in a wartime unit and must join your unit if the government decides on heightened state of alert or mobilization.

A conscript's military service is valid for 10 years after the last exercise or after recruitment, and at most until the year you turn 47.


To determine who will be conscripted, almost everyone who turns 18 and is a Swedish citizen and registered in Sweden must answer the Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency's enlistment form. Based on the answers in the enlistment form, the Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency decides who should enlist.

The recruitment takes one to two days and consists of various tests, examinations, assessments and interviews. Based on the results, it is then decided who will do basic training with military service.

If you are enlisted but know you are unable to use lethal force, you can apply to do your national service without a weapon. You can then still be called up for basic training with civilian service.

Civilian service

Civilian service is the civilian equivalent of military service and involves ensuring that important parts of society function in the event of a heightened state of alert or war. Those who are liable for civilian service are placed in the military by the Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency. In order to be placed in the military with civilian duty, you must have relevant skills. You can obtain this either through basic training with civilian duty or other training in your profession.

Currently, there is no basic training with civilian service, but the government can reintroduce it if necessary. If compulsory civilian service were to be activated, the government would decide in which activities compulsory civilian service would be implemented. This could mean, for example, serving as a nurse, in preschools or as a firefighter.

At the beginning of 2024, the government activated civilian service for the municipal rescue service and the electricity supply sector. This means that people with the necessary basic skills can be enrolled and deployed on civilian duty.

General compulsory national service

If you are not subject to military or civilian service, you are obligated to perform general compulsory national service. In the event of a heightened state of alert, you are required to support the country so that important parts of society can function. You do this by continuing to go to your regular job or performing other tasks that are important for national defense. This could include, for example, transporting water to those without, looking after children or cooking. Ideally, the tasks should be similar to those you normally work with. It is the task of the Swedish Public Employment Service to find jobs that suit you in times of crisis and war. 

Can I be penalized if I do not complete my national defence obligation?

Yes, you can. If you are subject to national service obligations, you are obliged to serve in national defense either as conscripts, civilians or as general service personnel. If you refuse to perform national service, you can be fined or imprisoned. In the event of a heightened state of alert, you can be imprisoned for up to four years if you refuse to perform national service.

What happens to the children if parents have to serve in total defense?

Childcare must be provided by the municipality even during a heightened state of alert. If the government decides on a heightened state of alert, and you are required to serve in total defense, you must therefore receive childcare from the municipality. 

What applies to people on sick leave and other people with health problems?

Anyone subject to national defense obligations is obliged to serve in national defense to the extent that their physical strength and state of health allow.

Do I have to carry a weapon?

If you are convinced that you cannot use a weapon against another person, you can apply to do your national defence duty without a weapon. This means that you can do your civilian duty and be placed in the civil defence system. Currently, there is no such training, but you may be called for training later if the needs of civil defence change.

The information on this page comes from MSB, the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency.