Tips and advice on crises for people with disabilities

This text is written for people living with a disability who want to prepare for crises.
Parkeringsplats för rullstolsburna.

Much of the general advice has on home preparedness also applies to people living with a disability. 

We at would like to know if there is anything in the advice that does not work because of a disability. Or if you have questions and tips for us. Use our contact details below. 

Get information on crises publishes the authorities’ warnings and information about crises on the web, social media and the Krisinformation app (in Swedish only). To access such information online, visually impaired people can use reading tools or screen readers.  

For those who cannot hear, but understand Swedish, the app can be set to recognise when there is an important public announcement, the Swedish public warning. This is useful both for those who cannot hear the horn and for others.

The information in the app is the same as on the web site. will answer questions about emergencies and crises via our social media channels or via email. Remember not to post sensitive private information for others to see.  

Contact details


X (formerly Twitter): @krisinformation


Instagram: @Krisinformation

Help with phone calls does not offer a telephone support, but there is a number for questions about crises, 113 13. If you need help making a phone call, you can use ”Bildtelefoni” (video telephony) or ”Texttelefoni” (text telephony). These are specially designed services for people with hearing loss. Another service is ”Teletal” (telespeech). It can be used by any hearing person who needs help with a regular telephone call.

Information that you need

Make sure you have information you need, such as important phone numbers, printed out so you can read them even without power. This could be telephone numbers for the municipality, contact persons, family and relatives, electricity company, water supplier, telephone and electricity companies, transport services or neighbours. 

Label your belongings and have information that can be read even if the lighting is poor.

Think about how you can best communicate with others. What do you need for that? It could be paper and pencil, for example. Feel free to ask others to help you prepare this. 


Be open with your neighbours and others around you if you live with a disability that may not be visible. The more people know about your disability, the more likely you are to get help if you need it. Remember that everyone can help in a crisis. By providing support, perhaps interpreting and passing on information to others. Or maybe just be there for the person who needs support. 

More information about cooperating with neighbours