Life-threatening injuries

Here, we have listed information from Swedish authorities about how to help another person who suffers from serious injuries.

Severe bleeding, cardiac arrests, and other circumstances can be life-threatening, so you may have to help. Call 112 or ask someone else to do it for you. A good way to be prepared is to attend a first aid course.

In the pages below, you find more details about how to help when someone has life-threatening injuries. 


If you notice someone bleeding severely, it is important to act quickly. Call 112 for emergency services and support. For non-urgent medical advice from a registered nurse, call 1177.

Cardiac arrest

In the event of a cardiac arrest, the heart cannot pump blood to the brain. After just a few minutes, the body's important organs suffer from a lack of oxygen. By learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation, you can save lives.

Chemical injuries

Chemical injuries can occur with common products found at home. Injuries result from splashes in the eyes or inhaling fumes, for example when cleaning or painting. Chemicals can also be mistaken for something drinkable. In case of emergency, call 112.


In case of dehydration, the body needs to ingest more fluid immediately. Occasionally, hospital treatment with a drip is required. The condition is most common among young children, older people or people who have exerted a lot of physical effort when it is extremely hot.

Your safety around water

A person who is drowning is usually unable to call for help. But you can save lives by learning about safety in the water and practising CPR.


Broken bones, known as fractures, usually occur if someone falls or collides with something. If you have fallen, are in pain, and cannot use your arm or put weight on your leg or foot, contact a health centre or an urgent care clinic immediately. In emergencies, call 112. For medical advice from a registered nurse, call 1177.


Frostbite occurs if the blood cannot circulate through a frozen part of the body. Most commonly exposed are hands, feet, ears, nose, and cheeks. Here is advice on how to act if someone gets frostbite.


Poisoning accidents in the home can be caused by things such as household chemicals, medicines, alcohol, tobacco and plants. Never wait for symptoms to appear if you suspect poisoning. Call 112 immediately and request the Poisons Information Centre.

Shock and loss of consciousness

Medical shock can be caused by factors such as excessive bleeding, a severe infection, a severe allergic reaction, or injuries sustained in a traffic accident. Anyone in medical shock must receive emergency medical care as soon as possible.

Caring for Others in Times of Crisis

Most of us have experienced something difficult at some point in our lives. Major events can trigger grief or crisis. We may also need to support someone close to us who is experiencing something difficult.

Airway obstruction

If someone chokes and cannot breath normally, it is important to intervene quickly. Airway obstruction can lead to oxygen deprivation, cardiac arrest and life-threatening injuries. It is therefore important that you know how to proceed to best help the person.