
A superficial burn will usually heal on its own, but if you have a more serious burn, you will need hospital treatment. The severity of the injury depends on how much of the skin has been damaged, how deep the burn is and where it is.

When should I see a doctor?

Contact a health centre, emergency room or accident and emergency department immediately if any of the following applies

  • The burn is in a sensitive area, such as the face, genitals, hands, feet or over large joints, such as the shoulders, elbows, hips or knees.
  • The injury was caused by chemicals or electricity.
  • A small child has been burned. They have inhaled smoke from a fire.
  • Blisters have formed and the burn is bigger than your own hand.
  • You have burnt your skin so deeply that the injury is white or brownish-black and you have lost feeling in the area.

First aid for burns

  • Prevent the injury from getting worse: Extinguish the fire, if possible by depriving it of oxygen.
  • Do not remove burnt clothing as this may damage the skin.
  • Relieve the pain by immediately rinsing the damaged skin with cool water or immersing the injured part of the body in water for no more than 15 minutes. Cool water may prevent the injury from penetrating deeper into the skin.
  • Do not cool for more than 15 minutes as this increases the risk of hypothermia. Also, never cool a burn with ice or snow as this can make the injury worse.