
Detailed recommendations for shops, shopping centres and training facilities

The Public Health Agency of Sweden has updated its advice to businesses. It is now clearer that businesses should determine a maximum number to be allowed on the premises at a given time.

From 23 December, new recommendations will apply to shops, shopping centres and fitness centres. The updated recommendations mean that further efforts must be made to reduce congestion where many people normally gather. The number of people on the premises should be adapted to its size, furnishing and ventilation options.

"It is important to remember that many look after themselves very well and have safe environments. But we believe that these detailed recommendations can have an additional dampening effect on the spread of infection in the critical situation that we are now facing in advance of the holidays," said State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

The responsibility for reducing the spread of infection primarily falls on the individual. Follow the basic recommendations: Maintain distancing, stay at home at the slightest symptoms of Covid-19, work from home when you can, avoid crowded environments and spend time with just a few family members or friends.

Read more at The Public Health Agency (Swedish) - Deleted link

Source: PublicHealthAgencyofSweden

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