
The Public Health Agency of Sweden: Limit your time in the company of others during the Christmas holidays

From 14 December, regional advice will be replaced by stricter national regulations and general advice, according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

Limit your social life

The risk of being infected by Covid-19, and thereby spreading the infection, increases with the number of people we come into contact with. It is therefore important to limit the number of people we meet and to take appropriate measures, even during the Christmas holidays. Maintain social distancing, and meet others outdoors and online to reduce the risk of spreading infection. Close contact with new persons should be limited. Social interaction should only occur in small circles. You should also avoid being part of several circles simultaneously. The fewer people that gather together, the better. It is also important to avoid activities and environments that increase the risk of spreading infection, for example spaces where crowding can occur.

Travel safely

All travel should be carried out in a way that minimises the risk of spreading infection. Remember to limit the use of public transport and avoid travelling in groups. Avoid making new contacts during your trip and at your destination, and limit your interaction to a smaller circle of friends/family. If you develop symptoms of Covid-19, please make sure that you self-isolate or, if travelling home, you do so in a safe manner. If travelling by public transport, please ensure that you can reserve a seat. If this is not possible, please choose an alternative means of transport that offers a seat reservation. Opt for walking, cycling or using your own car. Avoid crowded departure/arrival areas.

Protect risk groups from infection

Elderly people and those in other risk groups are more vulnerable to serious illness. It is therefore important that people in risk groups and those with whom they are in contact ensure that all interaction is carried out in a hygienic way. It is also important to limit the number of contacts, to respect social distancing rules, to follow hygiene guidelines, and to ensure that anyone with the slightest symptoms of Covid-19 refrains from interaction with others. As long as no ban has been imposed, visits to particular elderly care homes may be carried out. Visits must be carried out in an hygienic manner and in accordance with applicable visiting procedures. Check with your organisation or municipality which guidelines apply.

Read the full announcement from the Public Health Agency of Sweden (in Swedish) - Deleted link

Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten

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