
Stricter general guidelines for Skåne

Everyone in Skåne County is urged to refrain from using public transport and visiting shops and shopping centres.

This relates to the stricter general guidelines agreed upon by the Public Health Agency of Sweden and Skåne Regional Council ("Region Skåne").

From 27 October, everyone in Skåne County is urged to:

  • Avoid visiting indoor environments such as shops, shopping centres, museums, libraries, swimming pools and gyms. Necessary visits to grocery stores and pharmacies are allowed. Stay away from areas where many people gather at the same time, like sporting arenas, gyms or indoor swimming pools.   
  • Refrain from participating in gatherings such as meetings, concerts, performances, sports training, matches and competitions. However, this does not apply to sports training for children and young people born in 2005 or later.
  • If possible, avoid physical contact with people other than those living with you or whom you meet every week. This means that arranging or attending parties and suchlike is not allowed.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel by public transport. Necessary trips, for example to a workplace, school or visits to healthcare facilities, are allowed. Contribute to making public transport safe for those who really need to use it by keeping a distance to others.
  • Everybody over 15 is advised to avoid sports activities. Exceptions are made for professional athletes and students at sports colleges. Everybody, regardless of age, is advised against arranging or taking part in sports competitions or cups where a lot of people are meeting and which involve travel.

  • All businesses should take measures to minimise the amount of concurrent visitors they have, adjust opening times, and offer digital alternatives. Please help to ensure overcrowding does not occur. Avoid organising activities where a lot of people will be gathering together.

  • Employers should provide the right conditions and encourage their staff to work from home whenever possible. Business trips, conferences, and other physical meetings should be avoided.

The advice is applicable until 17 November, but may be extended.
Necessary close contact is allowed, for example during healthcare visits and medical examinations.

The 50-person limit at public gatherings and events will remain until 30 November.


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