Archived news
- Important public announcement for Nordmaling municipality, Västerbotten county
- Important public announcement for Huskölen in Ljusdal municipality, Gävleborg county
- Important public announcement for Finneby, Ljusdal municipality, Gävleborg county
- Important public announcement for Gällö, Bräcke municipality, Jämtland county
- Important public announcement for Nordmaling municipality, Västerbotten county
- Important public announcement for Härjedalen municipality, Jämtland county
- Important public announcement for Älvdalen municipality, Dalarna county
- Important public announcement in Hov, Västra Karup, Rammsjö and Torekov in Båstad Municipality, Skåne County.
- Important public announcement in Härjedalen municipality, Jämtland county
- Important public announcement for Trängslet in Dalarna
- Important public announcement for Bohus and Surte, Västra Götaland
- MSB warns of an extreme risk of fires in central and southern Sweden
- Important public announcement for Trängslet, Älvdalen municipality, Dalarna county
- Important public announcement for Pålgård and Bispgården in Ragunda municipality in Jämtland county
- MSB: Information about the (current) Swedish fire ban, in various languages
- MSB: Take responsibility and follow local fire bans
- Forest fire in Nacka
- Important public announcement for Kårböle, Ljusdal municipality, Gävleborg county
- Important public announcement for Kårböle, Ljusdal municipality, Gävleborg county
- Important public announcement for Enskogen in Gävleborg
- Important public announcement for Ängra in Ljusdal municipality in Gävleborg county
- MSB issues an announcement to the general public about the extreme risk of fires